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Laura Marie Myers


Professional headshot of Laura Marie Myers

About Laura

Laura Myers is a former 25 year teacher and principal who decided to find success in the business world she has always been fascinated by, but convinced wasn’t for her! Today, she is running not one, but two businesses: a branding agency (the creative genius of her husband) and Speaking career in addition to writing a travel blog. She still may not be getting 8 hours of sleep, but spending a lot more time with her family and finding meaning in her work is rejuvenating it its own way.

Speaking Topics

What’s that saying? Jack of all trades, master of none? While I no longer offer teacher workshops in engagement & discipline strategies, I still work with educators in addition to corporate audiences, entrepreneurs, business leaders and especially women!  I focus on 3 areas of expertise for my keynote speaking, workshop facilitation and podcast work. 

  1. Embrace Change: Learn to Embrace Change and Use it to Propel Your Future
  2. Trauma to Transformation: how to use the strength and skills that are already inside you to propel you to the next level. 
  3. Travel Talk… let’s chat about Amsterdam, European locations, planned trips or how to make a bucket list trip a reality.
Laura Speaker Pic
Conference Speaker
Explore to Evolve Podcast

Keynote Speaking

Typically 60-90 minutes in length, one of my signature talks, “Embrace Change: Learn to embrace change and use it to propel your future” or “Trauma to Transformation: How to use the strength and skills that you already have to propel yourself to the next level.

Workshop Presentation

Smaller, more intimate setting allow for 90 minute to 3 hours sessions to fit the clients needs. The longer the workshop, the more movement, hands-on activities and exercises the audience will participate in directly.

Podcast Guest

The platform I love to talk travel on, I am happy to share tips for identifying characteristics and skills to develop both professionally and personally. I enjoy talking about family and personal travel.

“Wonderful speaker, keeps the audience engaged and shares relatable stories. Everyone in the audience walked out thinking about something new!”

– Shirley Lia, Administrator for the Adam’s County School District 14


Featured on the Explore 2 Evolve podcast

Presented Sold a Story Workshop

Colorado League of Charter Schools

Florida Future Educators of America Conference

Florida Charter School Conference

AMLE 2017

Florida Early Childhood Conference